What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Personality : Part 1

Color is a very individual thing. Your favorite color says a lot about who you are. So much so that there are even psychological tests based upon color preference. As Vancouver painters, we deal with our client’s color choices on a daily basis. Of course, when it comes to home décor, it’s a little more complicated. Just because your favorite color is lime green doesn’t mean you want to paint your walls that color.

Still, when it comes to selecting interior paint colors, your color preferences definitely play a role. You’ll be very aware of this if you share your space with a significant other. You’ve no doubt had to compromise on your color choices. If you like blue, but your SO prefers bright yellow, you might have settled on green, tossed a coin, or promised just about anything as long as “we don’t paint the walls bright yellow!”

We’ve reviewed a number of top psychology sources and looked for the commonalities in color preference, as not all of them agree on what your favorite color says about you. We’ve compiled that information here, in what we believe is the definitive guide to your personality as revealed by your favorite color. Each color is broken down by what psychologists agree on, followed by a list of traits where they disagree (or at least that trait wasn’t mentioned).


favorite color red roller with paint trail

Red Color Meaning

Love it or hate it, you had to know we would start with red. Red stands out. It screams ‘pay attention to me’. From sports cars to high-end appliances a coat of glossy red paint is sure to grab attention. Babies are born without the ability to see color, and as their vision develops red is the first color they can see. Along with yellow, it is also the most appetizing color, which is why it is used so heavily by restaurants and fast-food chains. But what do psychologists say about those who choose red as their favorite color?

What they agree on

You are bold and adventurous. You are action-oriented and definitely not the type to take a passive approach to life.

Red Color: Symbolizes Passion and Energy

  • An extravert who is outgoing and loves being around other people.
  • Passionate, with a strong sex drive.
  • An optimist
  • A strong personality who tends to be the center of attention
  • A risk-taker
  • Future-oriented. You don’t dwell on the past but are always looking forward.
  • A natural leader
  • Somewhat lacking in patience. You get frustrated when things take too long.

Red Favorite Color Meaning

Red, the favorite color for many, tops the list of color choices worldwide. Its passionate and vibrant appeal makes it the preferred color, universally acknowledged as the most liked and beloved. With popular color preferences leaning towards red, individuals express their affinity through favorite red shades. Whether it’s deep crimson, fiery scarlet, or subtle burgundy, red remains a top selection. This best-loved color is celebrated for its warmth and energy, making it the most favored among preferred shades of red. Embracing red color preferences has become a trend, with individuals showcasing their affection for this dynamic and impactful hue.


favorite color blue roller with paint trail

Meaning of Blue Color

Studies show that blue is the most common favorite color, even across different cultures. There’s something about blue that appeals to the outdoor-lover in us all. It’s the color of the sky and the ocean and speaks of wide-open spaces. It’s a well-known calming color but it can also be bold and electric. Worldwide, 40% of people choose blue as their favorite color.

The Color Blue: Symbolizes Loyalty & Trust

While you may not always achieve it, you strive for inner peace. Whatever your convictions, you hold to them strongly but also try to accept others for who they are.

You may also be…

  • Introspective, often reflecting upon life and your values
  • Consistently aware of the needs of others
  • Reliable and conscientious
  • Proactive in dealing with stress, from meditation to exercise
  • Very empathic, easily reading other’s emotions
  • Calm and collected when everyone around you is panicking
  • Somewhat inflexible in your viewpoints or set in your ways

Favorite Color Blue Meaning

Blue, a favorite color with deep meaning, symbolizes tranquility and trust. As a top color choice, it reflects preferred and popular color preferences globally. The favorite color blue is cherished for its calming aura, making it the most liked and beloved hue. With a spectrum of shades like azure, navy, and sky blue, it stands out among top color selections. Preferred blue hues capture hearts as the best-loved color, resonating with a sense of reliability. Individuals express their blue color favorites, showcasing the most favored shades and making blue a preferred choice in the colorful spectrum. The meaning behind the favorite color blue adds a layer of significance, making it an enduring and timeless choice.


favorite color green roller with paint trail

Meaning for the Color Green

The color of life, of growing things and the color most often associated with nature. It’s commonly believed that the human eye can perceive more shades of green than any other color, and especially if you’re Irish. As it happens, the eye really can see more hues of green than it can of the other colors. Green lies right in the middle of the visible spectrum, which means it has the broadest range of wavelengths. So, not a folk tale or cultural belief, but solid science. Physicists tell us that we should be able to perceive about 40 distinct wavelengths of green.

What they agree on…

You are loyal, affectionate and honest. You value security, both emotional and financial. Your connections to other people, and especially to your loved ones, are very important to you. Your reputation with those people is also of prime concern.

The Color Green: Symbolizes Harmony & Health

  • A good citizen who believes in following the rules
  • More likely to marry and have children
  • An introvert. Capable of dealing well with co-workers and strangers but definitely needing downtime by yourself.
  • Down to earth, with conservative values
  • Appreciative of acknowledgment and gratitude for your efforts, although often a simple ‘Thank you’ is enough
  • Easily hurt when someone rejects or mistreats you, especially a person who is close to you
  • Sometimes prone to putting your foot in your mouth, as you are apt to be frank and say exactly what you think

Green Favorite Color Meaning

Green, a favorite color with profound meaning, symbolizes growth, harmony, and balance. As a top color choice, it reflects preferred and popular color preferences globally. The favorite color green holds a special place, resonating as the most liked and beloved hue. With a variety of shades like emerald, lime, and forest green, it stands out among the top color selections. Preferred green hues capture hearts as the best-loved color, embodying nature’s serenity. Individuals express their green color favorites, showcasing the most favored shades and making green a preferred choice in the colorful spectrum.


favorite color yellow roller with paint trail

Color Yellow Meaning

The color of the sun and many flowers, yellow is often perceived as a color that lifts spirits. Favorite colors of optimism and endless possibilities ⚡ Favorite Color where cultural influences play a big role in your associations with it. For example, in Japan yellow is the color of courage, whereas in English culture it is the opposite, and gave rise to the phrase ‘yellow-bellied’ to refer to a coward. In many cultures, it is seen as a happy color, but in Egypt, it is the color of mourning. Perhaps more so than with any other color your cultural background may influence your response to it, and to how likely it is to be your favorite color.

What they agree on

You are an optimist with a love of learning and new experiences. You have a vivid imagination, but seek to structure your thoughts and your life. You want to contribute and do your best to make the world a better place.

Favorite Color Yellow: Symbolizes Optimism & Happiness

  • Creative, although not necessarily in art or music, but simply with ideas
  • Highly energetic, with a love of exercise or other forms of regular activity
  • A reliable and trustworthy confidante
  • Very logical, which may seem to be at odds with being a creative thinker, but to you seems perfectly natural
  • A seeker of truth
  • A planner, but you don’t hesitate to take action once the course is plotted
  • A person others describe as highly intellectual

Yellow Favorite Color Meaning

Yellow, my favorite color, holds a vibrant meaning symbolizing joy and positivity. As a top color choice, it embodies preferred and popular color preferences globally. The favorite color yellow, with its sunny disposition, is the most liked and beloved hue, resonating with optimism. With a spectrum of shades like lemon, goldenrod, and mustard, it stands out among the top color selections. Preferred yellow hues capture hearts as the best-loved color, radiating warmth. Individuals express their yellow color favorites, showcasing the most favored shades, making yellow a preferred choice in the colorful spectrum.


favorite color brown roller with paint trail

Meaning of Colors: Brown

The color of earth and therefore the foundation of all things. Brown is the color of tree bark, wood, and meadows in the fall and is, therefore, a color strongly associated with nature, perhaps second only to green. While brown has traditionally been used as a ‘safe’ color that offends no one, if it’s your favorite color, you also know that brown has some strong and unique traits.

What they agree on

You like a simple, uncomplicated life but this does not mean you don’t enjoy exciting activities. You are cautious and frugal and always look before you leap.

The Color Brown: Symbolizes Reliability & Stability

  • Unfailingly honest with no patience for swindlers and snake-oil salesmen
  • Neat and tidy, sometimes to the point where other’s lack of order gets on your nerves
  • A stickler for quality, believing that any job worth doing is worth doing right
  • Dependable and punctual
  • Transparent in your feelings and opinions
  • Confused by those who are deceptive or have ulterior, hidden motives
  • A reliable friend who prides yourself on your dependability
  • Family-oriented, with a commitment to making your home a safe haven for all.

Favorite Color Brown Meaning

Brown, a favorite color with rich meaning, embodies stability and earthiness. As a top color choice, it reflects preferred and popular color preferences globally. The favorite color brown, chosen for its warm and grounding qualities, is the most liked and beloved hue. With diverse shades like chocolate, coffee, and chestnut, it stands out among top color selections. Preferred brown hues capture hearts as the best-loved color, resonating with a sense of comfort and reliability. Individuals express their brown color favorites, showcasing the most favored shades and making brown a preferred choice in the colorful spectrum, especially in paint selections.


We’ll complete this series in three weeks with Part 2, which will cover Orange, White, Black, Purple, Gray and Pink. We’ll also reveal what percentage of people prefer each color as their favorite, broken down by the sexes. The statistics may surprise you.

If you’re looking to add an extra pop of your favourite colour to your home, why not hire interior painters? Call Hemlock Painting at (604) 250-2561 for any questions about your project or request a free estimate today.